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Gentle by nature

Darra Supplements with Kabrita to Ease Constipation

Happy family of four smiling and sitting together on a couch.

Every parent’s feeding experience is as unique as their baby. While the journey may be easy for some, others may struggle. Real Parent Story is a series on our blog where we ask real parents to share their feeding stories. Whether you’re expecting or already have little one, we hope these stories can offer you insight into what worked (or didn’t work) for parents just like you.

Today, we are sharing Darra's story!

How did you first hear of Kabrita?

I heard about Kabrita through Google and YouTube searches.

Why did your family have a need for goat milk formula?

We turned to goat milk formula because my son was dealing with constipation, blood in stools, eczema, and fussiness.

If related to symptoms being experienced by your child, can you describe them? And also describe how drinking Kabrita may have helped with those?

We shared Kabrita with our son's pediatrician who gave the go-ahead to try because we'd switched his formula twice already and the next move was something soy based or hypoallergenic. That same day, Friday, July 16, 2021 and after days of no BM, he had a BM on his own, sitting down (with no encouragement). Normally we had to stand him up, hold and comfort him as he strained to go but that was not that case. We gave the Kabrita gradually throughout that day and by evening he went. The next day he went a little and the next day he went like normal and the next and the next. We hit an ordering/shipping snag and our shipment wasn't due to be in from Amazon until that evening, so for a few feedings we swapped back to the previous formula. He was then constipated again for the next 5 days, even after being right back on Kabrita. When he finally was able to go, he had blood in his stool. But by keeping him on Kabrita and introducing more fruit in his diet he began to go more consistently again. Things slowed down once more but I think it was more so because by then he was on more solid food, to keep him from going too far without a movement, our ped recommended glycerin suppositories for kids. After using it a couple times and getting his system back up and going, the Kabrita and whole foods have kept him regular. He's been so consistent that I don't even have to track his movements anymore. It's been 3 months now.

If related to your need to supplement with or switch to formula, please describe why you chose to do so and why Kabrita seemed like a good solution?

I supplemented with formula because it was best for us schedule wise and what I like about Kabrita is that it's easier to digest. I think it's ludacris that it's not available in stores as a formula option to US parents.

Did the ‘European quality’ element have an influence in your decision to try Kabrita?

No, but I will say I do not have a high trust factor with the US food/dietary regulations. I think it's very political and not always in the best interest of our health or well-being. So I'm not afraid to look to other countries for common practices.

How did your child take/transition to Kabrita?

My son did a great job transitioning! We mixed his old formula and the Kabrita at each feeding in rations, first 1-part Kabrita, 3-part the old stuff then 2:2 at the next feeding, then 3:1 then finally just Kabrita and monitored him all day. He had a movement that night after at least 5 days of constipation.

What do you think of Kabrita’s flavor?

I've not tasted it but I like that it doesn't smell bad and my kid loves it!

What is your favourite thing about Kabrita Formula?

My favorite thing about Kabrita is simply that it's the first European based product that legally and safely sells to the US. I was not comfortable making my own or ordering from another country and leaving shipping practices to chance.

Is there anything else you’d like to add or share?

I'm just grateful this stuff is on Amazon and ships from their website. I don't have to fear ordering internationally and getting a product label in a language I can't read. I want to give my baby the best and I believe Kabrita is it, next to breastmilk.

Kabrita USA Real Parent Story Series is for information purposes only. It's not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any health issues. Before making any feeding changes, it is recommended that you speak with your healthcare professional. Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula is designed to maintain the natural comfort of little ones during feeding transitions, such as weaning, supplementing, or changing formulas due to minor issues associated with cow milk sensitivity*.